Senin, 05 Maret 2012


Monrever adalah sebuah keluarga kecil yang mempunyai mimpi, dan impian-impian indah itu dibungkus menjadi sebuah komitmen untuk berkarya dalam musik. Monrever diambil dari bahasa perancis (mon=aku, rever=impian) yang berarti “impianku”. Impian menjadi ROCK STAR.. mengapa tidak...??? Semua orang punya mimpi, begitu juga dengan kami, dan mimpi itu akan terwujud mulai saat ini…Satu hal, “kami hanya ingin menjadi yang berbeda..!!” Let's Rock Today...!!!

MONREVER is an Indonesian progressive rock band formed in Yogyakarta in August 2004. The band consists of Danang and Atenk (vocalist), Novan (guitarist), Rendra (bassist), Yuan (keyboadist), Jexx (drummer), and Romello (violinist). In the middle of 2010, the band release their 1st album entitled EVERYTHING IS MUSIC, a great combination of rock and classic influence sound very strong in this album. The touch of violin and full distortion music bring the sense of ‘crunchy’ in each song they played in the album. The name MONREVER was taken from France Language (MON = me, REVER = dream) means My Dream, dream to be a ROCKSTAR, and that beautiful dream is wrapped into a strong commitment to work in music. We believe that everybody has their own dreams, and so do we.. Our dream comes true since now on. One thing, ‘we dare to be different!’ support us and.. LETS ROCK TODAY…!!!

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